
Images created by Andrew Lehoullier

We are pleased to announce the 26th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (MWSETAC).  Please submit your platform and poster session papers for presentation at the meeting!  Presentations are welcome in all areas of science relevant to Midwest SETAC (see below) and we especially encourage those that speak to the overall meeting theme: Sustaining Ecosystem ServicesPresentations may include those from previous national conferences. Membership in the society is not required to attend or present. We will have updates for the meeting posted on this webpage (hotels, directions, program updates, and more).

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION (see link at top for submitting abstract)

Submission deadline: Extended to 12 March, 2018 at 11:59 PM Central

  • Platform presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
  • Poster presentations are scheduled during the evening Poster Social on Tuesday, April 10th.

Abstract Guidelines:

  • Character limits are 250 for the title and 2,500 for the abstract (including spaces).
  • Presenters should indicate their preference for type of presentation (platform or poster).
  • Students should indicate their desire to be included in the best student presentation competition on their abstract submission. Please visit our Student Awards webpage for more information & eligibility requirements.
  • Notices of abstract acceptance will be sent via e‐mail in ​mid-March 2018.
  • Please note that pending abstract acceptance, the submission of an abstract implies a commitment for the presenting author to register, attend, and present at the 2018 Midwest SETAC Regional Chapter Meeting.

We encourage Platform and Poster Presentations On a Variety of Topics (not limited to TOPICS below:)

  • Analytical chemistry of contaminants

  • Behavioral toxicology

  • Biomarkers

  • Climate assessments

  • Cumulative risk assessment & management

  • Ecological risk assessment and field studies

  • Ecological studies of contaminants

  • Effects of pollutants on population growth & biological integrity

  • Effluent toxicity

  • Emerging contaminants of concern

  • Endocrine disruptors

  • Environmental modeling case studies

  • Fate and transport of contaminants

  • Health risks from air pollution

  • Linking human health to environmental pollution

  • Measuring vs. modeling of contaminants

  • Molecular/cellular toxicology

  • Monitoring of pollutants in air, water, sediment

  • Nanotoxicity

  • Persistent & bioaccumulative chemicals

  • Regional sustainability

  • Sediment toxicology

  • Toxicity testing

  • Wildlife toxicology


Mon. April 9th, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. This free tour will focus on the laboratories and research being conducted by the Environmental Science Division (EVS) that conducts research on environmental systems to understand how system components could change as a result of energy activities, nationally important emerging technologies, and major new federal policies and programs. Core studies focus on land and renewable resources, surface and subsurface hydrology, coupled ecosystem processes, radiation and chemical risk management, environmental restoration, atmospheric processes and measurement, and climate research. 

A security clearance process must be completed prior to gaining admittance to the lab; this process can take several weeks for non-US citizens. More information regarding how to sign up for the tour and completing the security clearance will be provided soon on this webpage. While the tour is free, a head-count is needed. Please indicate your intention to attend on the registration form that will be available soon. Carpooling to attend the meeting will be arranged.​

Join this free tour of the Environmental Science Division (EVS), which conducts research on environmental systems to understand how system components could change as a result of energy activities, emerging technologies, and new federal policies and programs. All participants may register by March 29, using their name as it appears on their photo I.D., with the following link.

NOTE:  There is an approval process for non-U.S. citizens that can take up to seven business days. Non-U.S. citizens must also email copies of INS documents, such as permanent resident card or passport and visa and either their DS-2019 or I-20 document, if applicable, to our Board of Directors.

2018 Meeting Happenings | Deadlines
26 Feb
Abstract & Student Travel application deadline
Abstract acceptance notices emailed
14 MarLast day to book hotel room under Meeting block
15 Mar
Early Bird registration ends
14 Mar
Last day to book hotel room under block
26 Mar
Last day to cancel meeting registration

Tentative Meeting Schedule

Date   Event

Times (tentative)

April 9, Mon
  • Argonne Tour
  • Midwest Board Meeting
  • Informal Gather (food & drink on your own) at Local Pub (TBD)

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. or later

April 10, Tue
  • Presentations and Plenary Speakers
  • Poster Presentation Session and Poster Social
  • Raffle prizes during the poster social

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

5:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

April 11, Wed
  • Presentations
  • Lunch, Raffle, Business Meeting, & Awarding of Student Presentation awards
8:30 a.m. to noon (approx)

Midwest SETAC has established a program to support student travel to our annual meeting. The purpose is to encourage student participation by defraying the cost of attending the annual meeting. All students, including Chicago-area students, are encouraged to apply. A limited number of travel awards (up to approximately $250) will be made for this meeting. Students from the local Chicago-area will be eligible for up to approximately $50. Student Travel Award applications are due 12 March (Monday) 2018 at 11:59 p.m. Central.  

Awards will be announced by mid-March 2018 and will be awarded directly to the students at the meeting. Interested student applicants should submit the following package of information:

  1. Completed Student Award Application.
  2. A copy the applicant’s abstract the upcoming Midwest Chapter meeting.
  3. A one-paragraph of the student’s research goals and accomplishments

Note: All student travel award applicants must also be members of Midwest SETAC. For more information (including joining/renewing your membership, application requirements, and limitations), please visit the menu above titled Student Awards. Applicants must meet one of the following criteria:  1) submit an abstract for the upcoming meeting, 2) officially serve as a student representative on the Midwest Board of Directors, 3) represent a student affiliate chapters at the business meeting (1 student/chapter).

ANNUAL MEETING OVERVIEW - The program consists of technical presentations and posters, a short‐course, and social activities.

Tue, April 10th, Morning:  “Biosolids and Ecosystem Revitalization of Degraded and Contaminated Land” by Guanglong Tian, Ph.D. Supervising Environmental Soil Scientist/Head of Biosolids Utilization and Soil Scientist Section, Monitoring and Research Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Tue, April 10th, Afternoon:  “Civic Science & Environmental Health” by Margaret MacDonell, Ph.D.Cumulative Risk Program Manager, Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Environmental Science Division.

The Board of Directors’ meeting will be held on Mon. April 9th, 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the IES conference room. All Midwest SETAC members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Please join fellow meeting attendees at an informal “Meet‐n‐Greet” on Monday evening. Check back for the exact location, it will be a pub within walking distance of the Loyola campus. Check the website for details. This event is not included in the registration fees (food and beverages are on your own).

The meeting registration fee includes meeting attendance (Tuesday & Wednesday), beverage breaks, lunches, and the Tuesday evening poster social. Monday’s tour of Argonne National Lab is free but a head-count is needed.  Note: Registration does not include annual chapter membership dues. Membership can be purchased during the registration process, but is not required. Visit the Midwest SETAC Membership webpage for more information.

Midwest SETAC has secured a limited number of hotel rooms at the Hampton Inn Chicago North Loyola Station Hotel (209 W Albion Ave).  The hotel is ~10-min walk from the meeting location. Nightly rates start at $115.00 plus tax (currently 17.4%). To receive the conference rate, reservations must be made by March 12, 2018 or until the room block is sold out, whichever comes first. To make a reservation, use the button above or call 1-800-426-7866 and request the “Midwest SETAC” room block.  Hotel Parking Options: The Hotel provides valet parking for $35/day; no self-parking is available. However, a public parking lot called “The Morgan” is available 1.5 blocks away (on top of the Pharmacy Store) for $18/day. It is located at 1210 W Arthur Ave, Chicago, IL.


A map of the Loyola University campus can be obtainedwith the button above.  The University does not allow overnight parking in the campus parking lots. The conference buildings are Coffey Hall (#27, for platform presentations) and the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES, #40, for poster session). Lunch on Tuesday will be served in Palm Court in Mundelein Center (#26).

If you have questions or suggestions, contact our members of the executive committee of the Board of Directors.

26th Annual Midwest SETAC Meeting 

April 9-11, 2018 | Loyola University, Lake Shore Campus, Chicago, IL

Meeting Theme:  Sustaining Ecosystem Services