​This year’s theme is: “Applied Environmental Science in Addressing Emerging Contaminants.”

In addition to platform and poster presentations, we will offer a half-day short course on Monday morning and a keynote presentation.

Two-Day Conference

Member: $175

Non-Member: $200

Student Member: $70

Student Non-member: $80

Short Course (Add-on)

Member/Non-Member: $40

Student/Student Non-Member: $30

The short course is titled “Screening for biological relevance of environmental chemistry data using the toxEval and ToxMixtures software packages.”

Presenters: Laura A. DeCicco and Steven R. Corsi

This workshop is intended to provide an efficient method to evaluate potential adverse biological impacts using analysis of environmental chemistry data. The toxEval R-package includes a set of functions to analyze, visualize, and organize measured environmental concentration data as they relate to ToxCast or other user-selected chemical-biological interaction benchmark data such as water quality criteria. The intent of these analyses is to provide context for potential biological relevance of environmental chemistry data. Results can be used to prioritize which chemicals at which sites may be of greatest concern. These methods are meant to be used as a screening technique to predict potential for biological influence from chemicals that ultimately need to be validated with direct biological assays. 

ToxMixtures is another R-package that combines outputs from toxEval with open access sources on molecular biology to provide additional information on potential biological effects of chemicals and chemical mixtures detected in environmental matrices. Data on chemical potency and environmental relevance from multiple online data sources are combined with environmental chemistry datasets to identify potential biological effects associated with chemical mixtures assuming additivity for chemicals with common biological pathways. 

The workshop will include the following components:

1. An introduction to bioeffect evaluation concepts included in toxEval
2. Formatting chemistry and site data for input into toxEval
3. Conducting an analysis using ToxCast as the bioeffect database 
4. Conducting an analysis using custom benchmarks with toxEval
5. An introduction to the ToxMixtures package

Participants are encouraged to bring their own computer with R, R-Studio, and toxEval and ToxMixtures installed.

Click the blue button for specific installation instructions.

​The short course and scientific meeting will be held at the Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union building in room Fr. John Naus, S.J. (#163).

The poster session will be hosted in the room next door – Maamawi Abiwin (#157).

​​​This meeting will offer opportunities for professional development and enrichment, relationship building, learning about science in the Midwest, and provides a chance for students to present their research.

30th Annual Midwest SETAC Meeting
Monday and Tuesday, April 17th and 18th 2023 
Fr. John Naus, S.J. (#163), Marquette University Alumni memorial Union,
​Milwaukee, WI

Important dates
9 January - 13 March: Accepting Abstracts - Now Closed
20 February: Registration opens
24 March: Abstract acceptances emailed
24 March: Travel Award Application Deadline - now closed
16 APril: Legends Student Research Scholarship Award applications due



Images created by Andrew Lehoullier