
Images created by Andrew Lehoullier

This course, Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment, will cover the basics of life cycle assessment (LCA). Topics to be covered include a brief history of LCA, the steps and stage of LCA, how to create an inventory, using the EIO LCA tool, and interpreting results. The course instructors will use real world case studies and tools based on their own experience and popular literature to demonstrate how LCA is performed and interpreted. This will be an interactive course, so if possible please bring a laptop computer. The short course will start at 9a.m. and end at 11:30a.m. Add the course when you register for the meeting. Course Instructor: Andrea Hicks, who is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Andrea’s research focuses on the environmental impacts and sustainability implications of emerging technologies.

28th Annual Midwest SETAC Meeting

Short Course: Andrea Hicks discusses Life Cycle Assessment

Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI