Images created by Andrew Lehoullier
This year we are excited to bring the return of the Midwest SETAC Raffle! All proceeds will help fund the SETAC Student Travel Awards that support students financially to attend SETAC conferences. If you have items you would like to donate to the raffle please contact Items are not limited to toxicology related goods (although we are happy to have those as well) - other ideas may be locally made chocolate, coffee, home goods, gift cards, etc. The raffle will be drawn at the luncheon on Friday, must be present to win.
1. Click on the Parking Link
2. Enter the license plate (change state, if not WI)
3. Click Next
4. Select Date (Time will default to 7am-7pm)
5. Click Park
6. Click Done
If you encounter difficulties submitting this application please contact
Christine Custer
Research Wildlife Biologist
Upper Midwest
Environmental Sciences
We are excited to try a new session this year - Scientific Improv! Each volunteer will have 3 minutes to present their research, scientific work, job field, career, etc. in short, engaging terms without using any scientific jargon. We encourage you to make it fun - write a poem, bring a song, tell a story, or give an elevator speech. The crowd will have clappers and can make noise if they think your terms are getting too in the weeds. We will be asking for volunteers on Thursday, but if you already know you'd like to participate with a short talk please tell the Board members at check in!
Introduction to Fitting Dose-Response Curves with R
When: Thursday, April 11, 9:30-11:30
Cost: Free with early bird registration! ($15 after March 8)
Who may be interested: all ranges of R users who want to learn dose-response modeling curves
Ecotoxicologists and environmental chemists commonly use dose-response curves (and related curves such as exposure response curves) to understand the relation between toxicants and effects (such as survival, growth, or similar endpoints). These curves allow estimation of values such as LC50s and EC99s or similar estimates. They also provide an alternative to NOECs and similar endpoints. The curves may also be used to predict toxicity given new concentrations or doses.
This course will provide an overview of the using the dose-response curve (drc) package in R. The course will progress through how to read in data into, fit and understand the models, and then present model results both numerically and graphically. For novice R users, the course will include all code for examples from reading in data to plotting the results. The course will also include tips for how to learn gaps (such as formatting data). For advanced R users, the course will also include tips such as how to use the package with ggplot2 for plotting and using R Markdown/Quarto to create reproducible reports. Code from a previous version of the course may be found online at and this code will be updated prior to the course. Course participants may optionally code along with their own laptops.
Instructor bio: Richie Erickson has been a SETAC member since 2009 and has served on the North American SETAC Education Committee since 2015. He earned his PhD from Texas Tech with a major in Environmental Toxicology and minor in Mathematics in 2013 and has been with USGS since then. He currently co-leads the Department of Interior invasive carp modeling team and also helps with statistics across the Department. He has taught 35 courses on R and similar technologies.
Parking at
UW - Lacrosse
Join us for our Plenary Session:
Avian contaminant research in the Upper Midwest – A look back and a look forward
Mississippi River: One of America's Most Endangered Rivers - A Study on Environmental Issues from its Headwaters to its Delta
April 11-12, 2024
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse,
La Crosse Wisconsin
Early Bird Prices (ends March 8!)
Regular Prices (after March 8)
1. Parking Link
2. Enter the license plate (change state, if not WI)
3. Click Next
4. Select Date (Time will default to 7am-7pm)
5. Click Park
6. Click Done
More parking information listed below.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own computer with R and R-Studio installed. It is also suggested to download the tidyverse and DRC packages. You may code along during the session or follow along and take notes.
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Student Union
521 East Avenue N, La Crosse, WI 54601
Driving directions to get to UW-La Crosse
A hotel block is reserved at the Hampton Inn & Suites La Crosse Downtown at the government rate of $107/night. A limited number of rooms are available on a first come, first served basis, or until March 22. You may book a room in the block online or by calling 608-791-4004 and asking for the SETAC block.
The hotel offers free parking and is approximately 1 mile from the UW-La Crosse campus, where the conference will be held. There is also a free shuttle from the airport that can be arranged with the front desk staff at the hotel by calling 608-791-4004.
The Midwest SETAC board is looking for volunteers to judge student submissions for the Student Best Paper and Platform Competition. During the annual meeting, the best student submissions are determined by a volunteer panel of environmental scientists and Midwest SETAC members via a provided grading rubric. The awards are to be used for student winners to defray costs to attend and present their poster or platform at the annual National SETAC meeting. If you are interested in being a judge, please contact
The Parking Ramp is circled in the map above. The Student Union (meeting location) is indicated by the blue star. For an interactive version of this map please see the UWL Campus Map.
Short Course Attendees
Complementary parking will be available in the UW-La Crosse Parking Ramp (1725 State Street, La Crosse) northwest of the Student Union. Please park in levels 1-3. Register your vehicle for each day you will be parking (before or when you arrive to campus) by following the instructions below to qualify for the complementary parking.